So what is the one thing that so many woman the world over struggle with? Believing that they are Beautiful! I know that “Beauty” probably means something different to everyone but I think the main issue with the world today, is we judge to harshly and too quickly. Whether it be about someones looks, the car they drive or how successful they are. Instead of judging others, we should be building them up and affirming them!
I am a mom to two of the most gorgeous creatures on this planet{biased I know} but this means one of my main jobs, is to help them form a healthy and balanced sense of self-worth! I try to teach them that beauty is not only about the physical but more about being yourself and accepting yourself and others warts and all! This is not always easy when the world and media try to dictate to them, what “Beauty” should be.
The problem is, often, we have our own insecurities and issues, which we are dealing with and this can make it difficult, to encourage and affirm others! This is why when I was approached about the Dove Beauty Is campaign, I could not think of a more perfect journey to go on and I am hoping you will join me in the discovery of what Beauty Is.
This is my bare it all, honest account of my journey as a woman and what I think Beauty Is!
Growing up, I was for the most part confident and happy with my looks and my body. I was very athletic and enjoyed being outdoors. I admit that I did prescribe to the stereotype – you have to have a great body and attractive features to be beautiful! Did I have moments of self doubt, definitely but I guess when you are young it does not affect you as much.
My main sense of insecurity definitely came post child birth! Both your body and life are changed dramatically! Yes, there is definitely joy in becoming a mom but I won’t lie, there are moments which are not that great! After the birth of my first daughter, the once confident person, I used to be, vanished! For almost four years, I struggled with feelings of self-doubt and anxiety but with the help and encouragement of others, especially my hubby, I managed to bounce back! I will not deny that this period of my life, left me with a few scars but it is how you overcome the difficulties in life, that really matters.
A few years after the birth of my second daughter I started developing pigmentation, having always had flawless skin, this really affected my self confidence! At first I tried every treatment known to man, only to be told that the pigmentation was in fact hormonal and that there is nothing much that can be done about it. My best bet, would be to simply look after my skin and try and prevent the pigmentation from getting darker.
My options were to allow the fact I have pigmentation to ruin my life or accept it and not allow it to define who I am!
Then came 40!!! This was something I was so unprepared for, it really affected me and not in a positive way. I kept hearing people saying that your 40’s are your best years but all I could see was my body changing and horror of all horrors – fine lines appearing!
It took me the better part of a year to accept the fact, that I was indeed 40 and there was nothing I could do but embrace it! What I have learnt from my journey thus far as a modern, 41 year old woman and a mom, is that I am my own worst critic! I have always judged myself too harshly but call it maturity, I have realised, that I am in fact beautiful and most importantly, I have people around me who love me and think I am beautiful, “scars”, fine lines and all!
So to answer the question – What I think Beauty Is… I think that Beauty Is a state of mind, sure there is the physical manifestation but if you don’t believe it deep down, then it is not real!
After watching the Dove Patches video, it really hit home how powerful the mind can be, both from a positive and negative perspective, especially when it comes to how we perceive ourselves. I think this video is really worth watching:[youtube][/youtube]
I would love you to answer the same question, I did, in the comment section below – “I think Beauty Is…” ps.There could be a little surprise for a few readers who answer this question 😉
If you would like to join the coversation on Twitter then Tweet your answer – remember to use the hastag #BeautyIs and tag @inspired_lifeSA and @DoveSouthAfrica when you Tweet.
Beauty is knowing you have something of value to offer the world and having the confidence to take the risk, rise up and be your own person and to hell with the stereotypes!
Love it Tami! Could not agree more! 🙂
Fiona you hit the nail right on the head! I’m a nearly 25 year old female and ALREADY I’m starting to feel envious of girls younger than me because they have what (I think I don’t have) and that is youth. Even though I probably do, I could totally agree with what you’re saying and I too fear the day for my first grey hair or crows feet! I suppose there will come a day when I will need to embrace it and find a different kind of beauty within me. With that being said, to me beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside and out! T