One of my loyal readers who comments often, yes it does feel good to get comments, left a comment on this post, which I wrote quite some time ago!(13th of October 2011 to be exact) It was great as I said, to receive the comment but the best part was reading the post again 🙂 It made me realise that I still struggle with things like acceptance or fear of failure, whether in real life or in the bloggersphere! Reading this post again was rather sobering and also made me realise that you constantly need to reaffirm what you are doing and why, to avoid losing your way completely!
So with that in mind I thought I would share it again!
Please Like Me!This is all most of us would like, for people just to like us! Well, thanks to modern technology and the popularity of social networking, gone are the days that liking someone in real life, is enough!
After chatting to friends recently about my blog, I had a bit of a reality check about what exactly my motivation for starting Super Mom was. For me it was always about finding something that I could do – just for me, something I enjoy and that stimulates me both intellectually and creatively. Exploring the things that inspire me and using them to engage with the world out there, was always my main aim for Super Mom.
What I have found however is that most of the blogger- sphere is very focused on ratings, traffic, how many followers you have etc. I am not going to lie and say that I don’t care about these things but you can so easily lose focus of why you are doing something and what motivates you to do it.
So what to do? I guess, go back to basics and the reason I started Super Mom in the first place, to inspire and motivate others out there, especially mothers! Which I hope that I am doing! In saying that I hope people realise that I am not in fact a “Super Mom” but I am the best darn mom I can be! I may not be a professional photographer or a master chef but I love doing all these things and sharing them with the world.
I love doing what I do and that is the most important thing. Yes – I want you to like me and follow me but not at the cost of my integrity. Anyway -life is too short to feel like everything you do is a competition.
So – the things I write about may not be world changing or life altering but they are my way of inspiring and motivating – myself and others. Thank you for being a loyal and cherished reader! 😉
LOVED this post! We all need to sit back and relook what our motives are and whether we’re being true to ourselves from time to time – especially as bloggers, we can often get caught up in what other people think. This was a good reminder – thank you!
Thanks Chereen it is so difficult in such a driven & competitive world to remain grounded! All we can do is our best and if that’s not good enough well then too bad! 😉