Castrol Magnatec is a product synonymous with protection and safety, “it is the engine oil that protects 24/7 with its intelligent molecules”. As Castrol protects your car’s engine, so too do we as parents need to protect the ones we love!
Parenting is an amazing, magical time in your life but with your new arrival comes greater responsibility and often there are changes that need to be made, to keep your bundle of joy safe. From covering wall sockets and the pool, to strapping them in safely in the car. With this in mind Castrol has put together a wonderful “New Dads Baby Pack”, with a new dads guide giving you great tips on all the things you need to know about parenting and safety, as well as plug safety covers and a few other fun items!
One of my goals for 2013 is to have more of a spirit of giving! So you can imagine my delight when I was approached to giveaway 1000 Castrol New Dad Baby Packs but this is not just any regular giveaway, you have the opportunity to nominate a worthy cause to receive the New Dad Baby Pack. It is great to always be on the receiving end but my challenge to you is to start the new year off with a spirit of giving!
So all you have to do is post your suggestion of a cause(it can be a hospital, a clinic) and help us reach our target of giving away 1000 to people in need! What an awesome way to start the New Year!
Once the giveaway has ended Castrol will pole the suggestions and choose who will receive these New Dad Baby Packs, based on your suggestions.
You Need To:
- Visit the Castrol Facebook page and leave your suggestion of a worthy cause to donate the New Dad Baby Packs and remember to tag @Supermomblog in when you post your suggestion.
- Give a shout out to tell others about this giveaway and help reach the target of giving away 1000 New Dad Baby Packs!
Competition Details:
- This Giveaway will run from 14th January 2013, until the 31st January 2013.
- Please leave a comment on this blog, below the post, stating that you have completed the above, along with your details in the comment section below this post (please use a valid email address).
- By entering this giveaway you agree to all the rules and regulations stipulated on the Super Mom Lifestyle Website.
I have completed all of above. Commented on Castrol facebook tagging @Supermomblog . I have also tweeted this giveaway -shout out to others about this giveaway to help reach target. Sharing via facebook as well
Twittername: @online61524
Hi lameez williams I complete ,like & share castrol daddy new Baby pack.will definitely keep on sharing TX 4 th opportunity:)
Hi I’m lameez williams I complete & state that like,comment & share 🙂
McCords Hospital in Dbn. Lovely giveaway and awesome blog 🙂
Like share & tweeted wil do anything 2 help Parkwood estate Clinic .The new young daddies n dads 2 b need this and all the knowledge thy can get.TX 4 th opportunity 🙂