I recently received a sample of the new Lady Gaga fragrance, Fame, from the Beauty Bulletin, to review. This exciting new fragrance is the first of its kind in fluid technology; the black fluid turns transparent once it is airborne – freaky right! We would expect nothing less than off-the-wall, from the pop Diva!
The technology behind this magic show is called “push-pull technology”, where the ingredients interact together to highlight different olfactory aspects of each note at the same time, resulting in complete harmony. The scent has three main properties being: dark, sensual and light.
The dark component comes from the mysterious Belladonna, the deadly nightshade, which evolves into a sensual combination of dripping honey, saffron and apricot nectar. To round off the scent crushed Tiger Orchid and Jasmine Sambac bring in a lighter more floral note.
When sprayed on the skin you can actually see the fluid change from a black to translucent which, truth be told, is rather amazing! The actual scent is warm and very sensual, pretty much my favourite type of fragrance. It is very sultry and the epitome of sophistication, perfect for wearing out in the evening to compliment your sexy little LBD.
For me the scent is as important as the bottle it comes in and this is one really sexy bottle, I received the tester bottle to review and would love to see the full size bottle in “the flesh”! Fame is definitely going to be appearing on my Christmas or Birthday list!
Thank you to the Beauty Bulletin for the opportunity of trying this amazing new fragrance!
* 30ml of Fame R400 and 50ml R500, available in retail outlets in South Africa.
I totally love this fragrance. I got a sample the other day – really like it!