- I am definitely more of a savoury person when it comes to food and a bit of a carnivore, so meat is always high on my list of staples. I love nothing better than a delicious fillet steak, with pepper or mushroom sauce and crispy French fries!

- My second favourite food to eat would have to be sushi, although if I am dining with my youngest poppet and we are sharing a platter, I have to eat quickly otherwise I lose out! (She loves her sushi!) My favourite sushi roll is a California roll with prawns and avo. (usually accompanied by a few glasses of Graham Beck bubbles!)

- Third on my list is Thai curry, well I pretty much love most Thai food but Red Chicken & Prawn Thai curry is a favourite; I often cook it at home and the hotter the better!

- OK technically the last item is not really “food” more “desert” but a girls gotta have something sweet in her life – I really “heart” Crème brûlée. Often I will try to get the hubby to share it with me (in an attempt not to look greedy) but I have learnt my lesson it’s better to get my own!
What is your favourite food or desert? Are you more a savoury or a sweet eater?
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