Words of wisdom for all mothers out there! As my darling hubby always says – “if it was easy everyone would be doing it!” So give yourself a break – you are doing the best darn job you can!
Have a happy Friday!
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Top South African Lifestyle Blog
Be Inspired, Family, Life, Mothers, Parenting, Quotes
Words of wisdom for all mothers out there! As my darling hubby always says – “if it was easy everyone would be doing it!” So give yourself a break – you are doing the best darn job you can!
Image source: Pinterest
I guess the most difficult thing to do in modern society is to stay up beat and not let the daily grind get you down or in fact just let life pass you by! I am finding daily life quite challenging, making time for all the necessary stuff and still finding the time to do the things that actually make me happy! What is the answer, well I guess maybe its time to go back to basics, dial life back a few notches and concentrate on what and who are really important to you!
So if today is getting you down, try to look for the positive in it – every cloud has a silver lining, you just need to find yours!
Image source: Pinterest
Be Inspired, Children, Family, Life, Parenting, Quotes
AS my children are growing up I am realising more and more that it is so important to teach them how to be “little people”, all the material things in the world are not sufficient replacement for what we as parents – “big people” can teach them! It is a constant process and each day we are faced with new and different challenges, I think the most important thing is getting the basics right. Go back to old traditional values, teach them good manners, respect, loyalty, the list goes on – if we can get these things right, we can equip them for so much throughout their lives.
So at the end of the day it’s not about what we can give them but about who we can help them become!
Image Source: Pinterest
Be Inspired, Children, Family, Life, Parenting, Quotes
I love this poster and I am sure I have posted it previously but I needed to revisit these words, for a bit of Monday morning inspiration! They are such challenging ideas – I would love my “Home” be like this all the time! I would love to believe that it could be like this all of the time but I do know that perfect is impossible and impractical, so maybe I can just try to achieve some of these ideals some of the time!
Source: Pinterest
Be Inspired, Charity, Featured Posts, Life
One of my goals or challenges for 2012 is to find more ways to give back to my community. I consider myself and my family to be extremely privileged but along with this comes the tendency to become complacent and take what you have for granted! I never want to lose sight of the needs of others that are less fortunate than I am and I think it is also very important to encourage our children to be part of some kind of outreach project, to help maintain a well-balanced perspective in their lives!
A project that I have come across that struck a chord is Newkidz on the block, which is a non-profit organization (062-837-NPO) whose major concern is that of the plight of orphans in South Africa.
They are based in Cape Town, South Africa and they are currently involved in projects in local communities throughout the Mother City. They aim to expand their services throughout South Africa in the future and to become a national name in outreach projects that improve the living conditions for vulnerable and underprivileged children in South Africa.
Mandela Day 2011 - Beach Cleanup
Newkidz was founded in 2007, after a successful home make-over, at the Masigcine Children’s Home, which was completed in just ONE weekend. A group of friends from Cape Town, South Africa, saw a need at a Children’s Home for abandoned and orphaned children in one of the local communities called Mullein, just north of Cape Town. Originally the team volunteered their time on weekends but they soon realised that more focused time was needed, to meet the needs of the community concerned.
The main aim of Newkidz is to build sustainable child–support networks in communities and link them with foster families and children’s homes; the organisation promotes foster care to the general public and offers guidance to foster families. Newkidz facilitates the renovation and maintenance of children’s homes / foster family accommodation and places of safety with the help of corporate sponsors.
Zanethemba Kidz Haven
[quote style=”1″]So that is who we are – a group of friends who love God and children, especially orphans and have decided to make a difference in this world. Children are not able to care for themselves so if they have been orphaned; the responsibility falls on those in their community to be their parents by fostering or adopting them. ~ Newkidz[/quote]
So how can you get involved? A project that they are currently running is the Heatherdale Children’s Home – Mural Touch Up Project and they are in need of volunteers to help with painting, this Saturday 25th February. Please sign up and help this worthy cause!
You can visit the Newkidz on the Block website to find out more or you can contact them directly to make a contribution:
[note color=”1BE0CC”]Michael and Hilda de Beer: Telephone:+27(0)219815425 Fax:+27(0)866725152 Mobile:+27(0)798755745 Email Address:[email protected][/note]