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Cape Town, FAR Photography, Featured Posts, West Coast, Wordless Wednesdays
Be Inspired, Cape Town, Children, Family, FAR Photography, Parenting, Quotes
This has been quite a week so far and it is only Wednesday! My youngest is sick and I have never dealt very well with my kids being sick – I don’t think any mom does but some are better than others! She had seizures as a baby and throughout most of her toddling years, which was extremely difficult, especially as we had no idea what caused them. So needless to say when she gets sick I go into panic mode, even though she is turning eight in a few weeks!
I like to think of myself as a very good nurse but we all know that when it is your own child you tend to lose perspective. I don’t sleep very much and then walk around like the living dead! This brings back awful memoires of sleep deprivation as a young mother – not a pretty site!
So what can I do in this situation? I guess, I can worry myself silly or just trust. Trust that God will never give me more than I can cope with and that He has me and my family in the palm of His hand! 😀
Cape Town, FAR Photography, My Spaces, Sunsets
I was lucky to witness a truly spectacular sunset, it looked like the horizon was on fire – amazing! The wonders of natural beauty, the sky is natures canvas….
[quote style=”1″]”Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.” ~Ambrose Bierce. What I am realising more and more is that taking a photograph is less about the technique and more about being there to capture the moment![/quote]
Images:©FAR Photography by Super Mom
Cape Town, FAR Photography, Lifestyle, Proudly South African
I hail from sunny South Africa, Cape Town to be exact. I am blessed to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, in my biased opinion the most beautiful, but that’s a debate for another day. [Read more…]
Cape Town, Exploring the Cape, FAR Photography, Lifestyle, My Spaces, Proudly South African
What a beautiful weekend we just experienced in the Cape – the weather was truly glorious and it called for a much needed outdoor adventure! So on Sunday morning we packed the bikes and a picnic lunch and headed off to Cape Point. Cape Point as I mentioned before is one of the many attractions you can enjoy when visiting Cape Town.
Named the ‘Cape of Storms’ by Bartolomeu Dias in 1488; the ‘Point’ was treated with respect by sailors for centuries. By day, it was a navigational landmark and by night, and in fog, it was a menace beset by violent storms and dangerous rocks that over the centuries littered shipwrecks around the coastline.
Once we got there the girls and the Dads set off on a bike ride and the mums took a leisurely drive to the “Thomas Tucker Shipwreck Trail”. We spent some time soaking up, the peace and tranquility of the beautiful setting, while waiting for the troops to return – from their bike ride.
After their 10 kilometre bike ride, we all set off on a meander along the beach trail. We had the pleasure of viewing a mother Seal basking in the sun, what a life! We also caught a glimpse of her pup frolicking in the waves – what a joy to see!
We also managed to see an array of bright spring flowers, a rather interesting looking Lizard, Bontebok, Ostriches and a troop of Baboons, what a privilege to see all these animals and striking vegetation, right on our own doorstep! After our walk we enjoyed a much needed picnic lunch and cold refreshments. What a glorious day out!
Entrance Fees: Children (age 6-16) and pensioners: R24 (return) | R18 (single), Adult: R58 (return) / R48 (single)
Images: © Fiona Rossiter from Inspired Living