I was reading a copy of Marie Clare magazine in the dentists waiting room this afternoon and stumbled upon an article, on a most intriguing local blog Aficionado. Which in keeping with its title, meaning ‘somebody who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about something’, is a wonderful platform for all the things I love. So if you, like me, are passionate about good food, clothing, wine and mostly anything that satisfies your sense of luxury, then this is the blog for you.
The content is most informative and interesting to read. Personally I love Jamie Who? a blog written by food writer Andy, which as you guessed is all about food, wine and all things gastronomical.
IFOR1, the independent fashion blog, is written by Justine Stafford, a freelance journalist, who uses her editorial experience to wax lyrical about all things beautiful. She is the founder of the Aficionado Network and one of its bloggers.
So, for all those lovers of fine things, have a look at this amazing blog.