After having a rather busy weekend both socially and around the house, I thought I would feel quite tired today but instead I feel inspired. It got me thinking about what exactly it is that inspires me? I have come to the conclusion that it is in fact not one isolated thing but a combination of things that gets me motivated and inspires everything I do.
My main sources of inspiration are:
- My Gorgeous Family – what’s not to love, they may drive me mad at times but they each inspire me and all that I do. Just seeing the amount of passion and enthusiasm that they each possess is reason enough to get out of bed each day.
- The beautiful city and country that I call home, I am inspired daily just looking out of my window, at the glory that surrounds me. We are a nation of inspiration!
- I am inspired by beautiful things and I find nature is the best place to find true beauty – be it a tree, a flower or a sunset. A rose is my favourite; it reminds me of my girls, they start off as this tiny bud and blossom into something truly breath-taking!
- So, how do I express my appreciation for all the things that inspire me – I love to take photographs and capture the moment forever. I find photography and the creativity it allows me, is my ultimate source of inspiration.
Images: Super Mom
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