What it means to be a Mother/ Mom
Upon deciding to write a Mother’s Day blog I thought it would be fun to ask my friends and family to give me their description or definition of a mother. Thank you to those of you who contributed. Here is what they had to say:
From Elaine Smith
“God created Mothers to remind every generation of their valuable input ….. A good mother provides her children so much more than a happy home. She teaches them how to feed their souls and gives them a spiritual foundation on which to build their life. She cares about how her child will face the world. A mother is hardheaded about discipline and soft-hearted about everything else. She motivates her children and praises them constantly to help them reach their full potential. She epitomizes strength, dignity and wisdom.”
From Lisa Mouton
“Being a mother for me is the following:
– simply the best and worst job in the world
– teaching your child and then days, weeks and sometimes years later seeing that teaching manifesting itself in the most amazing ways
– testing your worst character traits (for me it is a lack of patience) every single day
– letting your child go is the hardest – whether it is something as small as a play date on their own, letting them climb that tall tree to letting them go to a rugby match on their own or away for a holiday without you.
– Nothing else on earth can bring you such immeasurable joy as seeing your child succeed at something they are good at.
– being a mom allows you to celebrate the small victories in life – learning to walk, ride a bike, swim a length underwater etc.
– it also allows me to be ‘silly’ with my boys and enjoy things like rollercoaster rides, building sandcastles etc. without people looking at you funny.
– it is also looking at things which you thought were so funny or cool as a child/ teenager and realising they were bloody annoying for the adults concerned.
– realising how much your parents sacrificed for you”
“Unconditional love, self-sacrifice and always there to help pick up the pieces. The go-to person when things just don’t seem to make sense and you just need to talk it through. Thanks mom for all the endless hours of listening and input into our lives.”
Today I would like to thank all those Mothers or Mother Figures all over the world that are so important to us. They are the basis of society and responsible for so much growth and inspiration the world over. So if we do not say it enough every day, we love you and appreciate all you are and do.