“For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
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Top South African Lifestyle Blog
These are certainly great words to live by, although sometimes not always easy to achieve but definitely something to aspire to. I think if each of us just had to try and practice these things in our daily lives, the world would truly be a better place.
So be real – just be yourself! Love unconditionally! Do not be easily offended – listen to what people have to say. Be mindful of what you say to others – and think before you speak!
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My name is Fiona and I am a Pinterest Addict! There, it’s out – now the world knows!
I hear a lot of people asking – pin ….what? If you do not know what it is, then you have to try it – because it is truly addictive and so much fun. It is a virtual mood board of your life. One of my readers asked me to explain exactly what it is, so I thought I would share my explanation, for those of you, that are not yet in the loop: you make up your own boards, of anything that interests you and then you pin things you like on to them. So be warned, if you are like me, once you start you will not want to stop. It is probably best to click on my link below and give it a try – at least then you will know what it is. Have FUN! 🙂
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Image Source: Pinterest
Image Source: Pinterest