Change is not always an easy thing to go through! We become so comfortable in our existence and change or even the thought of change can be a scary thing! The biggest problem is without change we cannot grow. If you look at the definition of the word change, it means to make or become different. So when we change the course of our life, we allow ourselves to become different, in other words we GROW!
This week we are undertaking a big change and moving home. We are not moving far, in fact staying the same general area but I realised it not the move which scares me but rather the thought of change and uncertainty. Although I am super excited about moving and the prospects it brings with it, I am still nervous about how it will impact our lives.
If you look at some of the lists of stressful life events, many rate moving home to be up there with some of most stressful events, you will experience in your life! I can certainly attest to this! Packing up a home after 8 years is not for the fainthearted – the sheer amount of “stuff” you accumulate is outstanding! I know it is nowhere near as stressful as losing a loved one or going through a divorce but the process of moving, forces you out of your comfort zone. Plus you face having to leave the home, you have made your own and created so many memories in.
Along with all the rather stressful and scary feelings, are the other more positive feelings of expectation and excitement. The feeling of knowing that change, will allow you to grow and evolve as a person, is quite powerful!
Yes I am stressed and nervous about moving but in the same breath, I cannot wait to start this next chapter of our lives! To make many more happy memories in our new house and have fun making it our HOME!
My challenge to you this week is to embrace change rather than running from it! Please share any changes you are going or have gone through recently.
~Have a fabulous week!~
Image source: Pinterest