On 12 Nov 2003, the mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, declared 12 November KIEHL’S DAY, in honour and recognition of Kiehl’s contribution to New York City communities for over a century. Since then, the Kiehl’s Family around the world celebrates Kiehl’s Day on 12 November, and aims to focus our attentions on this day to making an impact in our communities.
In honour of the 1st Kiehl’s Day here in South Africa, Kiehl’s will be packing 5000 meals for their partners, Stop Hunger Now, which will go to children in informal Early Childhood Development centres (or crèches) in Alexandra*, Johannesburg.
The objectives for Kiehl’s Day and the initiative with Stop Hunger Now, is to create awareness in our immediate community, highlighting the hunger concerns on our doorstep. The plea is to get Kiehl’s patrons and Sandton City shoppers to join the Kielh’s team and help pack a few meals, as part of the communities contribution.
If you are in Jozi on Monday 12 Nov, please do join us at the Kiehl’s store in Sandton City from 12pm-2pm, give a hand in packing some of the meals, so pop in to the store, and share the love! It would be wonderful to have you there, and we will also share some other exciting plans for the rest of Kiehl’s Month with you at that time (but don’t fret if you cannot be there, as we will send our press information as well afterwards) ~ Kiehl’s SA
*Stop Hunger Now, is a non-profit organisation, which aims to take care of the nutritional needs of children in early childhood development phase (below the age of 5) in disadvantaged areas. They focus their work in the informal sector with unregistered Early Childhood Development centres (or crèches), where they could care for up to 30 children during the day.