We have all been here on the 1st of January, making a long list of unachievable New Years Resolutions. Vowing never to touch another chocolate, to drink less wine, lose 5 kilograms or run a half marathon! We all have our list of things we would like to change in our lives and about ourselves.
New Years Resolutions
The first question that pops to mind is why do we feel we need to make New Years Resolutions at all? It possibly because that we feel guilty for not achieving all the things we had set out for ourselves the previous year. It can also be due to the remorse after a festive season of overindulgence. Who knows why we feel the need. But come the 1st of January, we haul out pen and paper, and so the cycle starts again!
My decision for 2012 is to change my approach to the concept of resolutions. I have never liked them and hate the feeling of being forced to do something. Even though, I am the one doing the forcing! Let’s face reality – by enforcing resolutions which are often unrealistic and unachievable, we are just setting ourselves up to fail.
Less Is More
I know this all too well, being a Mom of two young girls who can sometimes drive you to the brink of sanity just in itself. Throw in depriving yourself of most things sinful like coffee, chocolate and red wine, and you have a disaster waiting to happen!
So my new approach this year is simple, I have set myself bite-size, achievable goals and not for the entire year either but quarterly (this was hubbies idea!). I will then review both the goal and the success of achieving what I set out to do. Doing this, I allow myself the opportunity to revise or change said goal according to my circumstances. Add to this the decision to change my overall approach to life, to simplify my life, to identify the negative aspects of my life and make positive changes to the way I exist. In other words a change in lifestyle!
As a family, we have also encouraged our daughters to do the same. Set-out goals and aspirations for themselves both personally and in the private lives, hopefully teaching them valuable lessons for later on in their adult lives!
So my motto for 2012 is Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!
Images: ©2010 – 2018 Inspired Living and Fiona Rossiter. {Please do not use any images featured on this website without written consent from the copyright holder and owner}
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I agree wholeheartedly!